The Honest Apothecary

A blog about the topics I love most: Leadership, pharmacy, family, friends, food, faith, and everything else

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Who is the most dangerous pastor? Is it the scheming and deceptive heretic, looking to lead the church away through false doctrine? Surely that is a dangerous man! But...
Someone once gave me some wise advice. He said, “Jason, watch out for your strengths. It is your strengths that will trip you up and cause you problems more often...
Monday evening I was frustrated. Four weeks ago we had begun trying the carnivore diet. For me, it was an attempt to try something different to hopefully break out of a...
Cameras On, Engagement Up: The Case for Visible Participation in Remote Meetings In the era of remote work, video calls have become the lifeblood of team collaboration...
Rejoicing is a Christian duty and privilege. In fact, it is to be a perpetual ornament of the character of every believer in Christ Jesus. “Rejoice in the Lord...
Accreditation, for those who don’t know, is a rigorous process. But it teaches you lessons about life as well. I personally have the privilege and responsibility of...
One challenge that modern students of the Bible will encounter is that it presents a very different perspective on the way we should think about life. For example, the...
Can you start running after 50? Yes, you can. I was never much into running. Basketball was my game in high school. I only ran if there was a hoop at the other end of the...
Social media has managed to blur the lines between work life and home life. These days many of us are growing more comfortable openly sharing things about ourselves that...